(FILA Korea) –
The FILA Fit Squad took center stage at their inaugural "Love Your Sweat" fitness event in Seoul this past Sunday, playing both hostess and mentor to 30 female participants in a series of physical and educational programs.
On Sunday, 20 March, Na-Young Lee, Se-Kyung Koo, Bong-Joo Shin, Song-Yi Park, and Sol-Han hosted their first ever event as the FILA Fit Squad, inviting 30 participants to partake in a one-day symposium dedicated to various health and fitness activities. Dubbed "Love Your Sweat," the program was specifically designed to help women embrace their beauty and potential. As part of this initiative, the FILA Fit Squad hosted a series of group fitness classes dedicated to toning and flexibility, and then guided each participant through a customized one-on-one training session. The day finished with a special lecture on "common sense dieting and healthy life habits" and a Q&A session with the FILA Fit Squad. Participants were very active and engaged in the day's events, and immediate response has been extremely positive.
The FILA FIT squad was formed back in December as part of a one-year partnership agreement between FILA Korea and the five female bodybuilders. Over the course of 2016, each member of the FILA Fit Squad is expected to host and participate in a variety of fitness-related activities to help promote the resurgence of the indoor sports industry. In exchange, FILA Korea will provide each of its Fit Squad members with the equipment and environment necessary for safe and effective training.
For more information about this event, or about the FILA FIT Squad, please visit FILA Korea’s official website at http://info.fila.co.kr/2010/main/main.html. Additional photos and video clips from the event are also available on the brand’s Facebook and Instagram pages.